Glen Mills Falls Falls
Westfield, New York

*  *  * WARNING *  *  *

It was brought to my attention in early August of 2014 that there is a dispute as to the ownership and access to Glen Mills Falls in Westfield, New York.

I would like to ask the public to stop visiting the falls and not to give out any access information on Glen Mills Falls.

If the ownership and access matter is resolved, I will post that information on this page. Again, PLEASE do not visit Glen Mills Falls until the ownership and access matter has been resolved.

Your help in this matter is greatly appreciated by myself and the landowners involved.

Copyright © 2014 by Scott A. Ensminger.
This information may not be reproduced without written permission.

The information on this web site does not give anyone the right to trespass on private property. You must obtain permission from the landowner to enter private property.

Recreation on private property is a privilege, NOT A RIGHT.

    You can send me e-mail at:
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