Buttermilk Falls
LeRoy, New York

Location: North of LeRoy.

     Contrary to other information found on the internet and in hiking guides, Buttermilk Falls in Genesee County is CLOSED TO ACCESS.

     People have been accessing the falls by way of an access road for trucks. This road is owned by the Dolomite Products Company. In a letter to me dated 01/14/2009 the vice president of the company wrote  "Unfortunately we are owned by a large international corporation, Oldcastle Materials, and it is their policy not to allow permission to trespass on our property."  The Dolomite Products Company does not own Buttermilk Falls.

     Buttermilk Falls is located on a creek that flows south to north and has two landowners. In a letter I received on 1/16/2009 the two executors for the estate of the landowner on the east side of the falls wrote  "We would prefer that the area stay listed as closed to access. The property in question is posted as private."

     As of 1/17/2009 I have not received an answer from the landowner on the west side of the falls.

     I have purposely not mentioned the names of the landowners to protect their privacy.

     If you enter private property that is posted without the permission of the landowner you are guilty of trespassing. You may be fined up to $250 and/or up to 15 days in jail. For more information on posting and trespassing go to Questions & Answers about Posting under the NY Environmental Conservation Law.

    Hopefully this information will discourage unwanted visitors to Buttermilk Falls. There are many other waterfalls in the western half of New York State that are open to the public. I encourage you to seek them out. I also hope you will respect the landowners wishes and rights to protect their land. Please act responsibly.

The information on this web site does not give anyone
the right to trespass on private property.

You must obtain permission from the landowner to enter private property.

Recreation on private property is a privilege, NOT A RIGHT.
Copyright © 2015 by Scott A. Ensminger.
This information may not be reproduced without written permission.

    You can send me e-mail at:
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